People say Pizza is Pizza, but is it just Pizza? Well, I mean a pizza can be anything really; it can be a pie, cake, and a sandwich matter. For an example of how it can be a pie; a pie usually contains the same slices and the same formation as a pizza would be usually, along with how it is cut, delivered, and prepped. Usually, a pizza and a pie give out similar energy and vibes, except for the fact it is sweet——– but let us get back onto topic! Again, as you see the images hand by hand, you can see the similarities and familiarity of the pie and pizza, again they have similar ingredients, similar looks, etc.

Another similarity between foods is a cake, usually, you would be like “A pizza is salty, and a cake is sweet, they don’t mix!” Well, that is not particularly true. A cake is the sweet version of pizza while a pizza is the salty version of the cake; there are fluffy pizzas and other toppings you can place on a pizza and cake, yet, they just taste different. For example, on a cake, you can place whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate, Oreos, and more, while on a pizza is similar as you can place mushrooms, peppers, pineapples, pepperoni, lettuce, and so much more as well. FYI: You cannot tell me I am wrong! Also to add to what I have said, I would like to say they also appeal to everyone in the same way; who does not like cake or pizza?
The last truth, factual with EVIDENCE, is the sandwich and the pizza… Before you ask me “Where is the evidence?” It is with the eyes that you can see how you can call them the SAME. EXACT. THING. To be honest, you can add cheese to bread, you make dough from scratch with pizza and bread, and you can add cheese and marinara sauce; making them both the same thing and having the same appeal along with THE. SAME. EXACT. TASTE. It is the same and after all, there is nothing you can do to prove me wrong or stop me from calling the pizza the sandwich. You may say “They are not the same thing!!” but you cannot prove this wrong as there is proof of pizza being a sandwich; once the evidence, data, and proof are there, you cannot prove it wrong (Unless false). I mean you can try arguing against it, but honestly, I would not bother doing so.
In conclusion, with all the evidence, data, and PROOF I have brought today, I have decided from here on out that a pizza is truly not a PIZZA. When I compared them all side by side, noticing all the similarities, there was nothing wrong with calling a pizza a sandwich, cake, or pie; after all, they all are similar and give out the same energy and the familiarity of a pizza so why not call it anything but a pizza?