Art Therapy Association does it again; 2nd Annual Empty Bowls Dinner —
By Jennifer Vazquez—
The Art Therapy Association will be hosting its 2nd annual Empty Bowls Dinner Tuesday, November 27th to raise money for Jersey City’s Saint Mary’s Food Pantry; the dinner is 4pm-7pm in the Gothic Lounge.
For a small $5 donation at the door, guests will have a simple meal of soup, bread and water, courtesy of Gourmet Dining.
The bowls were made by NJCU students at the Bowl Making Workshop on November 6th and glazed on November 13th. The event is co-sponsored by 14 different clubs, organizations, and fraternities—a massive increase from last year and an amazing feat for one of the newest organizations under SGO. Last year the club hosted the event with only five other sponsors. NJCU students of all majors, be sure to attend one of the most creative charity events of the semester.