Successful Return for the Alliance

Left to Right: Luis Garzón (President), Artemis Kozak (former acting Vice President), Abby Shivers (Secretary), Crystal Stanley (Vice President).

Ivana Estime, Contributing Writer

The LGBTQI+ Alliance returned with a successful meeting in late September. It had been the first time the club met physically since 2019 because of COVID and their short disbandment in 2020. The disbandment was caused by a difficulty to maintain membership but that may no longer be the case.

The room was decked out in colorful pride flags along with delicious cookies and treats for all in attendance. The room was filled with pride as the room becomes packed with new members and old. The first meeting back was a huge success for the club. Alliance advisor Liz Hickey stated that the meeting was “the biggest attendance in all her five years” of running the club.

Main logo for the Alliance.

The officers of the club are set on making this a successful semester for the Alliance. The officers are the president, Luis Garzón, vice president, Crystal Stanley, secretary, Abby Shivers, and treasurer Allie Naeseth.

“The Alliance seeks to create greater awareness about the issues and unique experiences faced by the Queer community. Being the president of the alliance has taught me how diverse, supporting, and resilient the queer community at NJCU is. Everyone is welcome,” said Alliance president, Luis Garzón.

During the meeting, future goals and plans for the club were discussed. Many students had expressed their wish for field trips with the club such as going to The Stonewall Inn, the historic place where the LGBT fought back for their rights.

“I really want to organize a trip somewhere. Maybe a museum or a drag show if possible. Maybe Pride [Parade]. We’ll have to see,” said Alliance treasurer, Naeseth. Others wanted to watch more films and study the history of the LGBT. Events like DragCon in which students can dress in drag and be fabulous on the catwalk are in the works for the club.

The officers of the Alliance are making it easier for members to have their voices heard and to share ideas. All are welcome to join and have their input on how to improve the club.

In early November, the Alliance also hosted National Coming Out Day on campus. A door was set up with pride decorations and encouraged to be used to come out. Some members participated and stood proud of themselves.

Meetings for the Alliance are usually on Mondays from 3 PM to 4 PM. For information about the scheduled meetings, follow @njcualliance on Instagram!

Logo for equality.
Logo for respect.