“The Fight Isn’t Over”
September 28, 2022
The Student Government Association (SGA) led students in a protest on the third floor of Hepburn Hall, the administrative building at NJCU, on September 26. This was in response to an incident at the September 12 Board of Trustees meeting where SGA felt student voices were not adequately heard by the administration.
Cesar Omar Sanchez • Sep 29, 2022 at 3:11 pm
Let us continue to fight against this racist, economic caste system not only in NJCU but throughout this nation. Let us also remember, but highly important, that this is a class struggle between the working-class society against the rich oligarchs that exacerbate these current situations. These brave souls protesting at the NJCU campus are the future leaders we need and need to support. ✊RIGHT ON!! KEEP STRUGGLING! KEEP FIGHTING!!