Late last semester a few protesters scheduled a rally to spread awareness through the campus community about dramatic class cuts. Professors, students, and some staff joined together in this protest but it appears the assemble fell short. After speaking to willing students and encouraging them to assert their concerns it came to our surprise the class cuts did not affect many students.
Being students ourselves, we understand how important it is to register for classes and how devastating it can be when they are suddenly dropped. Class cuts affect the whole campus but mainly targets the seniors as they prepare to graduate in May.
After speaking to a few seniors it may sound as though they did their college scheduling properly: difficult classes early, lighter classes towards the end. Some classes that were dropped seemed to be electives. These electives were classes taken solely for personal gain – not academic reasons.
Of course, this is not to say important classes weren’t dropped. We want to hear your story if your essential class was cut, especially, if you are a senior prepping to finish college. Under classmen are always welcome to let us know if you were affected.
If these cuts alter your college plan, tell us your story at [email protected], or give us a call at 201-200-3575 and prove us wrong!