A Student Government Organization (SGO) meeting was held February 28 where a discussion of winter break’s trip to India was discussed. The meeting had already begun when the executive board had requested all students who participated in the trip to leave the meeting. The reason for this motion was due to concerns of conflict of interest.
SGO meetings are open to the public and they should not be allowed to exclude any party. It is difficult enough to make students care and attend meetings at all. To suggest students to leave because they have any affiliation with the topic at hand discourages any future involvement.
For SGO to request students to leave sends a negative message. If this was supposed to be a private meeting they should have specified that to the public in order to keep privacy in tact and avoid any misunderstandings. SGO should create a comprehensive conflict of interest policy that clarifies that proper procedures should be taken in according to Robert’s Rules.
Faculty, staff, and administrators present at these meetings should correct the council when they improperly perform a task or function.
The winning side of the vote should have another vote out of principal and respect for ethics. The motion would have to be worded differently, however it can be done.
SGO should stop listening to the whispers of the administration and the nagging of misinformed students. They should, however, focus on proper procedures and ethics when it comes to performing their daily functions and tasks. Students who complain of a lack of transparency need to approach SGO in a tactful manner.