I, Crystal Davis, editor of the Lifestyle section challenge YOU, NJCU student / staff member / random drifter!
The challenge: to solve this crossword puzzle without the use of Google, Dictionary.com or any other on-hand resource we have become too accustomed to.
2. First name of NJCU’s President.
3. New Jersey’s version of Las Vegas.
5. “Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof.”
6. Cut off his ear and gifted it to his cousin.
8. Name of NJCU’s school newspaper.
9. Nickname for the Gilligan Student Union Building.
11. 16,000 Russian soldiers were deployed in this Ukrainian country this year.
14. Popular WSU article used on the Colbert Report based on this ____ ___.
15. Number of Lunch trucks surrounding campus.
18. Day of Pranksters.
19. First name of the Gothic Times Editor in Chief.
20. NJCU has a “haunted” ___ ____.
1. Academy Award for Best Leading and Supporting Role.
2. Author of The Hunger Games.
4. 2014 Olympics were held here.
7. Took over Late Night.
10. Nickname for TLC child beauty pageant contestant Alana Thompson.
12. Newton’s Third Law of ______.
13. State where “The Walking Dead” takes place.
16. Bob’s ________.
17. House of ______.
[click on crossword to download a PDF version]