By Angela Giddings —
Most people wait until January 1 to decide to make major changes in their lives. Statistics show 30 percent of those who make New Years Resolutions start slacking on them before the month of January is even over, according to Positive Psychology News. It may be best to get a head start, so by the time the New Year arrives you will already be acclimated to whatever is necessary to achieve your goal. If your goal will be to improve your health or level of fitness below are a few steps to take.
1. Drink plenty of Water
Because the human body is made up of about 60 percent water, all systems of the body depend on adequate water consumption to function properly. Although the recommended daily consumption may vary, the general consensus is 64oz. Adequate water intake helps the body burn fat faster and is also great for the skin, according to
2. Take the Stairs
Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator helps burn calories. Walking instead of catching the bus or driving short distances also helps burn calories. Taking the stairs or walking can be done throughout your day so there is no need to set extra time aside for either. They are also FREE.
3. Quit smoking
Quitting smoking can be very difficult especially if you smoke out of habit and not addiction. Nicotine patches work for those addicted to Nicotine and are suggested for 8-14 weeks depending on how much you smoke. For the person who smokes out of habit, Electronic cigarettes may work best for you. These electrical devices simulate the act of tobacco smoking by producing an inhaled mist much like the physical sensation, and appearance of the actual thing. Nicotine patches and E-Cigs can be purchased on-line. Proper use of one or the other will help you lead a healthier lifestyle.
Other suggestions to a healthier you include getting an annual physical from your doctor, eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, and getting the proper amount of sleep. Set a goal that is achievable. When making a New Years resolution be specific, be realistic and stick to it.